Snowmaker manufacture since 1959.
We make ground, tower and fan snowmakers. Woomera has extensive knowledge in both outdoor and indoor snowmaking.
From a skier's point of view we make snow that is "skier friendly".
From a resort / area operator's point of view we design and manufacture snowmaking equipment which makes snow up to +8°C or 46°F.

WOOMERA SNOWGUNS PTY LTD is a privately owned company which provides a full range of services associated with the ski/snow industry, specifically related to snowmaking.
The company undertakes,
- Feasibility studies of sites.
- Reviews and advises on site preparation and maintenance of site terrain related to production and retention of snow bases for skiing and/or snowplay activities.
- Analyses and recommends appropriate types of snowmaking equipment to achieve the most effective and efficient snowmaking practices/techniques applicable to the specific area.
- Manufactures and supplies a full range of snowmaking equipment for both indoor and outdoor application.
- Design of snowmaking systems for both indoor and outdoor application.
- Installation of snowmaking systems and training of staff in snowmaking techniques and maintenance of the product, post manufacture.
Contact Us
Postal Address
Woomera Snowguns Pty Ltd
19 Longman St., Richardson
Canberra A.C.T. 2905
Kosciuszko Thredbo Pty Ltd
Feasibility study
Thredbo Alpine Resort NSW
Installation and operation of two pilot schemes including supply of snowgun hardware. Staff training in snow making techniques.
Victoria Alpine Resorts Commission.
Mt Hotham Alpine Resort, Victoria
Staff training in snow making techniques.
Ski Trac International.
Upper Mt Gravett, Queensland
Design and Joint World patwelvet of snow making chamber for indoor ski arena.
Design of fully computerized ski hire integrated to indoor ski arena.
Design of grooming system for indoor ski arena.
W & G Promotions Pty Ltd.
Corin Forest Canberra ACT
Feasibility Study.
Selection of site.
Design and operation of pilot snow making system.
Design of snow making system for 12 hectare ski slope.
Supply of snowgun hardware.
Perisher Smiggins Alpine Resort.
Perisher Valley, NSW
Staff training in snow making.
Supply of snowgun hardware.
Trinity Projects Pty Ltd.
Hobart, Tasmania
Feasibility study of 6 hectare outdoor site with snowmaking as part of proposed major project involving scenic cable car- Mt Wellington, Hobart, Tas.
P.T. Marina City Development.
Batam Island Resort, Indonesia
Supply of snowgun hardware for operation in pilot indoor ski arena using cryogenic snowmaking techniques.
Operation of hardware and preparation of trouble shooting report.
Tiffindell Ski Limited.
South Africa
Supply Tower and Ground snowguns; develope snowmaking manual; train snowmakers; increase snowmaking operations using Woomera high temperature techniques.
Black Mountain.
New Hampshire
Supply Tower and ground snowguns; train staff in snowmaking.
Moon Events
Mumbai, India
Three cryogenic snowmaking events and train staff in cryogenic snowmaking.
Snow World
Ocean Park Multitech Hyderabad
Supply indoor and cryogenic snowmaking and control equipment, consulting and training staff of India's first and only indoor snow facility.